Convo between me and the creator of some really awful pose balls...don't buy that shit...really. they're bad.
[19:26] Nalirra Rosewood: i have a ton of your vamp lust pose balls...a large number of them are...twitchy? and..nothing lines up right...if you get the heads and necks aligned everything else is...out of whack
[19:30] Nalirra Rosewood: i don't mean to be rude...but these are the worst balls i've ever bought. they totally suck. want to make money doing something else in sl...
[19:30] Lucian Overlord: ok exucse me sorry i was afk please dont sit here and insult me on my poses
[19:30] Lucian Overlord: one
[19:31] Nalirra Rosewood: hey...i paid money for this shit....and...they aren't worth anything...i can insult whatever i like
[19:31] Lucian Overlord: well tell you what that attidue will not get you any help from me so you have your self a good day
[19:32] Nalirra Rosewood: next time...make you ads match how bad the balls are so ppl don't buy this shit thinking it's actually good
[19:33] Lucian Overlord: tell you waht miss game art design student why dont you make better
[19:34] Nalirra Rosewood: i think i will. but entitled to bitch...i contacted you about these months ago..and you didn't do shit about it. sorry..i don't really like wasting money. it's called customer service and standing behind your product...and...maybe..not putting out something that DOESN'T WORK
1 comment:
Look 3 Years latter and you have yet to make a better pose
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