Name:: hahaha! Nali...thats all yer ass gets.
Age:: old enough to know what i want...young enough to still get it
Height:: 5'2"
Weight:: haha...NOT
Right or left-handed:: left
Your heritage:: wtf...ok...ummm...english, french, italian, german, irish
What is your favorite game?: is that a game?
Favorite color:: pink
Least favorite color:: yellow
Do you like to drive fast?: eh...
Do you like thunderstorms?: not
Do you eat the stems of broccoli?: yes :P
What was your first car?: ford escort...teal
Is the glass half full or half empty?: half full, of course!
Do you type with your fingers on the right keys?: yup...and when i have the vibe out i just take my hands off it for a sec to type some more
What's under your bed?: omg...a mess...clothes...ermmm..pens...papers?
What are your favorite sports to watch?: sex?
Single biggest intense pain?: childbirth
The best places you have ever been?: my the arms of my angel?
Hamburgers or hot dogs?: niether..ew....friggin cow and pig mixed up parts...but hamburger if i must choose
What's your favorite restaurant?: tgif
Favorite food?: chinese
Britney Spears is a skank--agree or disagree?: skank...who i would totally watch in a sex tape
What type of music do you dislike most?: elevator
Do you take illegal drugs?: nah uh...noop
Does someone have a crush on you?: i think so. lol
Do you really know all the words to the national anthem?:
Favorite drink?: lipton iced tea, original, sweetened
Favorite alcoholic drink?: jack daniels country cocktails...and long island iced teas...a toss up
Do you believe in love at first sight?: sometimes
What's your favorite animal?: kittens b4 they get all independant and bitchy..yea..i said it...cats are bitchy
What do you think about most?: usually...photoshop? i know..lame
Do you like to play in the rain?: play as in jump in as in kissin in the rain up against a tree...YES
Are you a risk taker?: yea
How many people have you had sex with in '06?: 1
Have you ever been to jail?: neverrrrrr
How many states have you lived in?: 4
Hugs or kisses?: hugs
Who is your best friend?: best??? ummm....*thinks* if i had to pick...just one person...would be...miss lolly
What do you sleep in?: neffin...can't stand clothes wrapped around me
Piercings? Tattoos?: piercings
Biggest pet peeve?: asshats
I have low tolerance for people who....: lie and cheat...and..ppl who are stoopid...i said sit on the ball..does that not make sense??!?!?!
Do you sleep with the TV on?: noop
Do you have a TV in your bedroom?: yes
Are you good at keeping secrets?: sometimes
How do you spell relief?: cuddles on the couch and a drama...peaceful...loving...followed by...ya...
Can you handle the truth?: yup
Current car?: corolla
Are you in love?: yes
Hair color?: auburn
What are you afraid of?: bees...spiders...heights
Last time you cried?: Feb 4, 07 :P
Favorite car?: dodge durango
Number of keys on your keyring?: like..a million
Favorite day of the week?: anyday...every day
Day or night?: night
Best advice you've ever received?: stop thinking so much
Favorite quote?: if it don't fit...force it
Favorite type of music?: rock
Your biggest weakness?: romantic gestures..yes..i can be a puddle of mush..sometimes
Biggest fear?: don't really have any
Are you close to your parents?: hell no
Do you swear?: i have a mouth like a sailor >.<
Favorite song at the moment?: Googoo Dolls - Iris
Read books?: eh..not really
Have a religion?: no
Vegetable you love/hate?: hate peas..hate spinach...hate onions..hate tomatoes..hate mushrooms..the list doesn't end
Worst habits?: self doubt
Do you like to watch porn?: i do!!! yes!